ePOS-Live is a complete Point of Sale Software that is just perfect for your business and it enable to track and maintain the inventory, Sales for your company. Few features:Bar code generate functionality (Scan-able via scanner)Bar code can be Number + AlphabetsCash register, Keep complete history of every counter incoming and outgoing cash. Multi Branch Features:Monitor your outlets/Branch even from mobile phoneCustomizable invoiceThermal Printer/A4/A5 invoices supportedDifferent levels of discount supported (Fix or %age)Different invoices for different type of transaction / Sale type (e. g. Cash sale, Credit sale)Inventory management:Inventory import & exportManage Inventory DamageInventory “Batching” (Especially for Pharmacies)Support wholesale price and retail price. Keep supplier record (Supplier management)Maintain supplier ledgers and have complete history of transactionsAuto update the inventory quantity with “Order Receive”Customer ManagementComplete history of customer accountsComprehensive report for order, delivery status and advance payments. Sales Reports with different filter and parametersInventory Reports with variety of filterOrder ReportsCash Reportsfor further details visit: www.eposlive.com
For More Information Please Contact:
+92 3018490226
+92 3018490059
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